DATE Function in Excel, How to use DATE Function?

Function Date returns the DATE Value when we combine take 3 separate values to form a date.

Date Function in Excel

Syntax of DATE function in Excel


Date Function Example:

DATE Function in Excel, How to use DATE Function?

When you’ve Year, Day, Month as seen in the above worksheet Year as 2016, Day as 18th and Month as 5.

Function =DATE(G5,I5,H5) will give you the output of the exact date = 5/18/2016

Year = Should be between 1900 to 9999

If year value is less than 1900 then Excel calculates the year by adding number to 1900

Example: –

DATE(200,11,20) returns a value of November 20, 2100 (1900 + 200)

Month = Month should be between 1 to 12, Excel adds any number be to the month

Example: –

DATE (2015, 13, 5) would return January 5, 2016 (13 = 12+1 Month i.e January)

If DATE(2015, -2, 5) would return October 5, 2015 (10 = 12-2 Month i.e October)
